Please refer to the ‘final details’ email from for specific transfer arrangements based on your advised flight details for both arrival and departure.
Please ensure to update us via should you experience any delays with your arrival flights.
Departure times are based on travel time to the respective airport plus recommended check in time based on international flights of 3 hours and 2 hours for domestic flights.
A reminder of departure transfers will be posted in the hotel reception on Sun, Jul 21st.
ARRIVAL - Friday, July 19th
Shuttle transportation has been arranged as follows:
Edinburgh Airport to Dakota Glasgow:
9:30 AM
Glasgow Airport to Dakota Glasgow:
12:00 PM​
1:45 PM
DEPARTURE - Monday, July 22nd
Shuttle transportation has been arranged as follows:
Dakota Glasgow to Glasgow Airport:
5:30 AM - [ Flights between 08:00 AM - 8:30 AM​ ]
6:45 AM - [ Flights between 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM ]
8:00 AM - [ Flights between 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM ]
Dakota Glasgow to Edinburgh Airport:
7:30 AM - [ Flights between 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM​ ]